So Your Church Moved Into The Community...

1 Chronicles  16:31 days, "Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, 'The Lord Reigns!'"

Imagine if you will, churches cooperating with their communities, their zip codes, influencing them in ways that make life better for everyone here and now. Would that area rejoice, and say "The Lord Reigns!" regardless of their own faith tradition?

Christians and churches can bring unique gifts to the neighborhood and communities. Do you know of anyone else who lives to give themselves away? - Amy Sherman

The church should not just be "in" the community, where it takes up space in the neighborhood, and it does not desire to influence, assist, or give back to the community.

The church should not just be "to" the community, where it desires to bless and make contributions to the community but on its own terms, making itself feel better, and assuming it knows what's best for the community. 

Perhaps, the church should be "with" the community, where it serves and develops a community for reasons and methods that bring transformation to the community and church alike? Christ being glorified should be  a higher goal than our church being recognized?

God was alive and active in our ZIP Code(s) long before our churches set up shop, and will continue to be there long after the doors close for the final time. What is God already up to in your neighborhood?


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