We Scare Because We Care...

In 2001 Disney released one of it's most popular kid's movies ever, called Monster's Inc. ​The concept behind the movie was that just like every kid worries, there actually is a world of Monsters in every closet. Furthermore, this Monster world is powered by children's screams. The primary business in this world uses the tagline, "We Scare Because We Care" to let the Monstropolis know why they do this difficult task. As the story plays out however, the Monsters discover that a child's laughter is exponentially more powerful than it's fearful cries.

What does this have to do with the local church? We often use a similar tagline in our churches; "We Share Because We Care!" This most often refers to the benevolence opportunities a church engages in, and how it works to share the love of Jesus in a practical way. How do we measure how effective these efforts are? Specifically, we have to tell the stories of how God has met needs.

Here is what Randall Church has been doing. On the first Sunday of each month, we receive a second offering, the care offering, by stationing our ushers at the back of our sanctuary where our people can give on the way out. Without breaking confidentiality, I can tell you that with these funds, we have been able to help single moms struggling to make their rental payments. We have provided gas cards and bus passes for those in need of temporary transportation. We have provided groceries for veterans who have fallen on hard times. We have assisted when couples decided to adopt a child into their home, and we have been able to help when an elderly woman needed to pay a water bill. We have been the practical hands and feet of Christ. Thank you for empowering us to do so!

This coming Sunday will be the First-Sunday Care offering. Please come prepared to give above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings. For many it may be easier to use our text to give option. Simply text a dollar amount and the word "care" to 84321 to set things up. (example: "25 care") This is the most direct way to take action right away.

Thank you so much for your support. We share, because we care!

Pastor Milo


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