Surviving the Aftermath of Easter

Wow, what a weekend. god has worked in a mighty way in the city of Greenville over the last week. We kicked off our God on Film series Sunday, complete with movie posters, popcorn, the big screen, and "coming soon" preview trailers. What a great Sunday! Not mention, last Saturday when it was only 30 degrees out, we had people coming out for the egg hunt from under every rock in Blue Ridge. We did well to keep up with the crowds, and when it was all said and done, we had 247 people register for the hunt - most of whom we have never seen before. That doesn't even take into account all the people there who didn't want to sign in at registration. God is so Good! Our friends over at Catalyst had 2000 people show up for their egg drop. What a weekend for Greenville. Personally, it may have all been too much. Sunday, just after the morning worship, my body began to shut down. I'm still trying to breathe through one nostril, and type strategically between the pin drops of snot on the keyboard. Yet, if this is all I have to go through to see people touched for the Kingdom...bring it on!


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