Bob Inglis is my congressman

As I have posted over the last week, Erin and I had the wonderful opportunity to be part of the historic event of the swearing in of President Obama. However, it was our experiences with Bob Inglis that made a personal lasting impression. On a day when many Republicans were less than excited about the nation's events, Inglis was both optimistic and genuine.

We had the opportunity to eat chili and drink hot apple cider in his office with 30 or so people after the inauguration, where we were overjoyed to be able to enjoy a few moments with his close friends and family. One of his special guests was Dan Lipinski, Democrat Congressman from Chicago, Ill.

I found it very interesting that a democrat would choose to be there with us, rather than at any number of social gatherings for democrats on that afternoon. I think it was very telling. Lipinski told the group that he had never met a more genuine man in congress, and that Inglis should not even be considered a politician, because he doesn't match the definition. It was obvious that these 2 gentlemen respected each other a great deal.

Curious as that was, it was when Inglis talked to everyone for a few moments about what the coming administration might mean for Americans that I was truly surprised. Echoing President Obama's sentiment for a nation in which people looked out for their fellow man, Inglis took it a step further. He went on to give his own testimony, and how he was learning to live by grace, God's grace. He proceeded to lay out the plan of salvation for anyone who may not have heard it before, and challenged those of us who were Christians to take care of our fellow man -not because of Obama's charge, but because of our responsibility to do so as Christ followers.

I was blown away. This was the last thing I expected to hear, or be a part of that afternoon in Washington. But I am grateful to say that I was there. Our friends from NY who were there with us left the room saying: "I gotta google this guy." Maybe you should too!

Here below is the email we received from the Inglis office yesterday. Check out the links. You will see a video of Erin and I with Harold Mitchell. You will see some incredible pictures that congressman Inglis took from his seat on the platform. You will see the 4th district of SC well represented.

On January 20, 2009 Barack Obama was sworn in as America's 44th President. Nearly 1.8 million people flooded the National Mall to witness the historic event. Because of the size of the crowds and technology snafus at some checkpoints, we all regret that not everyone was able to enter the Inaugural area. Whether you were able to make it or not, I hope you were able to celebrate the excitement surrounding this new beginning.

At we've posted the reflections of some citizens of the Fourth District who braved the cold and the crowds to witness history. We've also posted some photos I took before, during and after the ceremony at

My favorites are the photos I got of President and Mrs. Obama saying goodbye to President and Mrs. Bush. The peaceful transfer of power is one of the most majestic moments in the life of a constitutional republic. It's a moment worth celebrating.

Bob Inglis


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