Racial injustice is nothing new to the church.
This week I received an email from a dear friend and former Pastoral Staff member at Randall Church, Kody LaBarthe. Kody and Vickie are in the final stretch of fund-raising in Baton Rouge before moving at the end of August as missionary church planters in Thailand. As racial tensions escalate around the country at an alarming rate, Kody points things to the only solution that will work: the Gospel.
Over these past few weeks tragedy has struck our hometown of Baton Rouge, LA. In just a few short weeks this city has witnessed the untimely deaths of Alton Sterling and just this past weekend, 3 BRPD officers.
This city is reeling as it's residents ask questions like "Why is this happening?", "How can this happen here?" and "Who is at fault?". These questions are being asked on a national level as well and the discussion centering around gun violence and racism in this country has rarely been so heated.
As these events have unfolded in nearby neighborhoods, and we witness acts of terrorism on a global scale, we are reminded of the opportunity that we Christians have to be a voice of grace and truth as we proclaim the gospel to a world that is so desperately in need of it!
Here is the tough reality I am coming to grips with. As a middle class white American male, it is difficult for me to actually acknowledge the depth of the racial chasm that lies in front of us. The truth is, the only way that my perspective will truly change is when I am so deeply consumed with the Gospel, that I begin to see the world as God sees it.
The Verge Network released a series of interviews this week that allow you to be a fly on the wall for some pretty tough discussions that many of us need to be having. As their founding director Michael Stewart says "We are at a pivotal point in America where the dominant culture (white people) will need to, in humility, stop, ask questions, listen deeply, and really seek to understand in order to love well."
I pray that you would click this video link as I have, and ask yourself not only how we can make most of the Gospel during these times, but how the Gospel can make the most out of us.

Pastor Milo
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