Workday: Help Us Make More Room For More Kids!

For some who don't have kids fifth grade and below, you may not realize that the number of children in our Randall Kids Track have been growing in leaps and bounds!

Men, we need your help. We need your tool belts, your brains, and your brawn. We also believe this would be a great way for men to get to know one another. So Monday, December 12, we will have a Men's Connect Event and workday. There will be two primary times to join us. For those with a flexible work schedule we will begin construction in the morning from 9 to 12 and provide lunch.. For those who can join us in the evening we will provide dinner and work from 5 to 8 PM. The bottom line, we need to complete this project in one day.

The kids have a Christmas pageant coming up, and we are going to expand the stage to make more room for them. We are going to retrofit the choir loft by removing pews, and building some movable stage risers that will allow us to use that space in multiple ways at different times throughout the year. Chairs will be able to be used when the choir sings, and movable stage risers will allow us to accommodate band equipment, musicians with music stands, handbells, or even the Christmas tree.

These are exciting times for Randall Church. It's so encouraging to see our people investing themselves in the next generation. And it won't take long. Just blink, and these will be the leaders of our congregation. Come help us "set the stage" for them. :-)

Pastor Milo


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