Out with old, in with the...old

Friends of ours, the Ward family have recently upgraded their minivan to a newer model. Somewhere along the way, they were nice enough to think about us, in relation to their old one.

We talked it over, and we accepted the incredible deal they decided to give us on it. Today is day #1 with our 98 Toyota Sienna on the road. We are loving it!

Last night we passed on our incredible savings to our friends Aaron and Kyla. We met them in Gastonia, NC for the transaction, and they are now the proud new owners of the 2000 "white lightning" Chevy cavalier.

The plan is, they will be able to help someone else, by giving them an incredible bargain on whichever vehicle they decide to take off of the road.

How can you help someone else out of your abundance this year? Isn't it all God's anyway? When you sit down tomorrow and talk about all the things you are thankful for, is there someone else at another table thanking God for you? There should be... this is what the Apostle Paul called the church to do.

"Each of you should look not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Jesus Christ... who took on the very nature of a servant..."
Philippians 2:3-4,7


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