Vision is all about painting a picture of a preferable future and then moving deliberately forward in pursuit of the vision. We believe God's vision for Renewal Church is to move forward deliberately towards launching in January 2014.
September 22nd, is the next checkpoint towards reaching that goal/vision. On September 22nd at 6pm, we will leave our current meeting space at the H&R Block, and move to what will be our first launch team meeting at 530 Meadow Drive. Our Renewal Kids hallway will be open for basic childcare, so we can begin inviting entire families to join us, and we will meet in the foyer/coffee bar area.
We are a long ways off from being ready. We need some carpenters. We need some laborers. Specifically, we have a great deal of painting to accomplish.
Notice the difference between our vision concept picture, and our actual walls. Would you be willing to serve? Would you be willing to paint a vision?
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