It was incredibly encouraging to be able to serve the flood victims in the city of Central, Louisiana outside of Baton Rouge along with great teams from Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana, Illinois, as well as many other regions of the country as well. It was fun to be welcomed in to the Disaster Relief family as the northern-most response team at this location, and we wore our yellow NY hats as a badge of honor everywhere we could.
But nothing meant more to us than when Patrick and his two teenage kids, members of our NY team and single father of 4 from Kingston, NY received a troubling call from home about a family emergency with one of his kids. Teams from all over the country came to his aid, and put resources together to make sure that he and/or his family could fly home that night. What beautiful demonstration of the body of Christ.
Patrick got on a plane, and our team took responsibility of traveling his teenagers the 1000 miles back to their family. I was so proud to see our team, specifically Cliff Miller and Bill Hynd care for this hurting family. Again, to see the Body of Christ in action!
Tragically, after working all week with us mudding out in LA, and after arriving at home via airplane to visit the hospital for the family emergency, our new friend Patrick suddenly suffered a fatal heart attack. Within a few hours we got the troubling news late Saturday night that our team member had passed away, leaving his 4 children without a parent/guardian. In fact, due to a flat tire our team was a few hours behind and still in the process of transporting two of them back home.
Honestly, my heart is wrenched in two. This was a family we worked with all week doing "God's work." How could this happen? Here is what I'm coming to grips with. We were responding to a flood, where all slices of the population were effected, Jesus lovers and God haters alike. Yet, our creator allowed the flood to effect them all. While we worked, we experienced tremendous stories of hope. In fact, the location we were in has seen almost 200 people saved since the waters rose.
Even though I'll admit my vision is a bit like looking through muddy water, I choose to believe God is in control. God knows what he is doing.
Would you be in prayer for our friends in Kingston, NY? The Byrne family is processing more than they ever imagined. Their pastor and their church is doing all they can to support a family that sent 3 members away on a mission trip, and didn't have everyone come back. Today they need our support. Today they need to feel connected to the greater Body of Christ. Today they need to find hope in the muddy waters.
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