Praying the Psalms

Pinterest is a beautiful thing. In just a matter of a few clicks on the phone, a few swipes here and there, and suddenly you have a great new idea. In my case, it might be a new treehouse project, or a new template for a bunkbed. For others, it might be a recipe for a new meal.

Why is Pinterest so powerful? Because it is a concise way to get a template, or even an image in your mind of how to go up about a task you already know fairly well. The book of Psalms in the Bible is a similar concept. Much of the collection of writings consist of different prayers all David and other Old Testament characters.

As we begin a new sermon series entitled "the prayer series" we will be looking and reading through the Psalms, as a template for our prayers. We encourage you to spend the next 30 days with us praying through the Psalms each morning to start the day. My desire for you is that it would give you a template for what your prayer life could look like. If you are anything like me, there is much work to be done!

Join me in reading Psalms:

Pastor Milo


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